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450 S Michigan Ave, AUD 540
Chicago IL 60605
United States


Illinois Labor History Society

Hall of Honor

1999 Union Hall of Honor

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Joyce Miller

“Spokesperson for the working women; bringer of human services to a union setting.”

Miller began her career as the education director of the Midwest Joint Board of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers. She initiated weekend classes, conferences, and week-long summer schools all aimed at empowering workers toward political action. As vice-president of the AFL-CIO during 1980-1993, Miller sought programs for the retired, family stability, childcare facilities, and low income housing.

Jane Addams


Preeminent Reformer of her time, whose Hull-House with its Jane Club nurtured and developed many young women into union leadership.”

Addams was a social reformer, suffragist, and pacifist active at the turn of the century. She was the founder of Hull House which provided social and medical services to the impoverished of Chicago. Addams served as vice-president of the National American Women’s Suffrage Association in 1911. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 as an advocate for world peace throughout her life.

Bessie Abramowitz Hillman

An immigrant sewing girl whose bold acts launched the great men’s clothing strike of 1910, and the birth of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union.”

Hillman actively promoted workers’ rights in general and the rights of women in particular. She was instrumental in the United Garment Workers strike in 1910 against Hart, Schaffner, and Marx. Hillman sought female solidarity as an organizer for the Women’s Trade Union League. In 1919 the clothing industry had become unionized due to her efforts in organizing the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.